
Employee graduation photos

Hi Senior! Festival foods & SMMG Photography have teamed up to capture an amazing, complimentary senior photo for you! This is a gift to you from Festival foods, all you have to do is show up! So exciting! Please complete the form below if you would like to participate in the festival foods graduation photo event.

Tips to make your senior photo rock:

  1. wear a color that you feel compliments your features. For example, I have green eyes so I might wear a green shirt to make my eyes stand out!

  2. these photos will be taken outside. wear something that makes sense for the season: a sweater, a scarf with a long sleeve shirt, a favorite dress shirt or jacket etc.

  3. There will be snow on the ground in the background. the color white can blend into the snow a bit, so if you are opting to wear white, try and include a few pops of color to make you stand out from the background.

  4. Graphic Tees + Shirts are awesome but should not be worn for this senior photo as it will distract from your picture. please note that these photos will be displayed in your festival store. all graphics/messages on clothing must be respectful and have no messages that could come across offensive to any of the audiences viewing them.

  5. be yourself. these are about you and capturing an awesome photo to celebrate your graduation! Relax and let’s have an awesome time!

if you would like more assistance selecting something to wear for your photo shoot, please send me an email at smmgphotography@gmail.com - i am happy to help give you suggestions!